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On this guided tour you will visit Fort Bulnes, the first Chilean outpost in the Magellan Region. It was established in 1843 under the presidency of Manuel Bulnes, who wanted to claim this southern territory as part of Chile. The road to the well-preserved historic fort leads us through native forests of Lenga and Ñirre trees as well as Calafate bushes with delicious fruits, perhaps the most typical of the region. Close by the Fort are the remains of the village Puerto de Hambre, or "Port of Hunger", dating back to the disastrous Spanish attempt to establish a colony in this corner of the world and control over the Strait of Magellan.

Some of our favourite places to visit and things to do in Punta Arenas
What to do in Punta Arenas

9422 Punta Arenas Tour & Museum

Punta Arenas Tour & Museum

9424 Magdalena Island

Magdalena Island


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