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La Puerta Falsa Bogota


Bogota Culinary Tour

The city of Bogotá brings together the whole country's cuisine for locals and visitors to taste and enjoy.



Central Bogota & Cerro Monserrate

Explore the colonial sights and world class museums of central Bogota and survey the city from up high on Monseratte Hill.

Bogota Coffee Farmer


Coffee Plantation Tour

Head to a picturesque coffee farm to experience first-hand the processes behind Colombia's most famous export.

Bogotá Beer Company


See & Taste Tour of Bogota

Sample some of Bogota's most popular dishes, sweets and beers and visit some lesser-known parts of the capital.

Villa de Leyva


Villa de Leyva & Ráquira

Leave the capital to discover two of Colombia's most attractive small towns and enjoy their timeless atmospheres.

Cathedral de Sal in Zipaquirá


Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral

Venture below ground to the extraordinary Salt Cathedral in the colonial town of Zipaquirá.


READY - 12 April 2024

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