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There's always something special to see within the archipelago. Discover some of the natural highlights of the Galapagos, throughout the calendar year.

From late July to September there is more wind and the water is cooler. In September the sea can be quite choppy so is the least attractive time to cruise the Galapagos Islands archipelago, it is also the time when several yachts go into dry dock for maintenance.

Most of the species are endemic to the Galapagos Islands and can be seen all year round, though there are specific highlights at certain times of the year during the yearly cycle of nature. Some examples are:

- Land Birds start nesting
- Marine iguanas take on bright colours on Española
- Green sea turtles arrive on beaches to nest

- Greater flamingos start nesting on Floreana
- Marine iguanas nest on Santa Cruz

- Marine Iguanas nest on Fernandina and North Seymour Islands
- Albatrosses begin to arrive on Española

- The waved albatrosses start their incredible mating dances
- Green sea turtle eggs begin to hatch
- Land iguana eggs start to hatch on Isabela

- Blue-footed boobies begin their courtship on North Seymour
- Marine iguanas eggs begin to hatch on Santa Cruz
- Waved albatrosses begin to lay their eggs

- Giant tortoises migrate from the highlands of Santa Cruz to the lowlands, to look for nesting sites
- Migrating birds pass through the islands
- Humpback whales sometimes pass by on their migration north

Flightless cormorants begin their courtship rituals
- Sea birds are more active
- Whales and dolphin sightings more common

- Sea lions begin to have their pups on the beaches (it is possible to swim and snorkel with the juvenile sea lions all year except October.)
- Galapagos hawks start their courtship- Giant tortoises return to the highlands of Santa Cruz
- Migrant shore birds begin to arrive

- Penguins highly active around Bartolome
- Sea lions are also more active

- Fur seals begin mating season
- Lava herons start nesting

- Sea lion puppies active in water
- Brown noddies begin mating

- Giant tortoise eggs start to hatch
- Green sea turtles begin mating season
- Waved albatrosses begin to hatch


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