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This region in north-east Argentina is characterised by multi-coloured hills, pristine vineyards and large salt flats.

Salta stands surrounded by mountain peaks in the Lerma Valley, it is the perfect based from which to explore the extraordinary multicoloured hills, pristine vineyards and expansive salt flats of the area. It is a city of elegant plazas and fine colonial churches. One of the region's main attractions is the Tren de las Nubes, built in 1932, one of the highest railways in the world. You can visit Tafi del Valle, and Cachi with a mixture of colonial styles and pre-Columbian art, Molinos and Cafayate in the Calchaquies valley which produces excellent wine. Continue to Pumamarca renown for its multicoloured hills, Humahuaca and Jujuy.


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2011 House Of Jasmines

House of Jasmines


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2009 Legado Mitico

Legado Mitico


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2010 Solar De La Plaza

Solar de la Plaza


First Boutique


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