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Shop based in London that sell artworks coming from all over the world, Latin American included. On the website you can find beautiful paintings, prints, photographs and sculptures from Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Guatemala and all the other South American countries. They sell online, too.

90 Long Acre, Covent Garden, London WC2E 9RZ

Tel. 020 7713 0023


READY - 27 April 2024

LANDMARK TOURS: Multi-Country & Cross Continent. New Cosmopolitan Tour: Buenos Aires, Iguazu, Rio

PERU: Citadel of the Incas, Mountains & Rainforest

CHINAINDIA: Local Life, People & Unique Cultures

GUIDES by Veloso Tours, are the best Local Hosts

PRIVATE VILLAS: Quality Time in exclusive settings

TRAVEL INSURANCE with extensive COVID-19 cover