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The Sol Y Luna 2020 school began the first week of March 2020 at the start of the global pandemic, as support for low income families whose children would get no education as the Peruvian Government closed all schools. 

Run by our partner hotel, the Sol y Luna Association team was set up to develop various initiatives to adapt to the new reality, and provide education to our students, especially to the most vulnerable children. 

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, in-person classes were suspended. Since then, the school has been transformed into a “virtual / distance-learning school”. It's a very big challenge for all schools in the world, but even more so in Peru, because the school works with low-income families, most of whom have no access to a computer or the internet. The school is developing new ways to reach as many students as possible so they continue to receive the education they deserve. 

The school also has a home housing 14 children, who also attend the virtual classes.

To find out more about the Sol y Luna School and Home - and if you wanted to donate - please click below:

Sol y Luna School



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