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A garden of 12 acres. The setting is in a valley cut of the surrounding fields over millennia by a tributary of the river Lune called Artle Beck.

The sound of water is ever-present. The terraces descend from the house to the lake, and are planted with roses, clementis and more tender plants in season, and the predominating pinks, purples and silver-whites compliment the rugged grey stone of the Gothic house.

Pebble mosaics by Maggie Howarth are set in the pavement of one small garden: the four family zodiacs are linked by the Milky Way, with an olive tree for the Italian-born Lady Arabella, a temple for architecture and meteorological elements.

The kitchen garden is a short walk away and contains an elaborate potager. The valley is planted on both sides with a collection of rare and interesting trees, some of them grown from seed collected in Japan.

There are new pathways on the south-west slope of the valley and a new river viewing deck on the house side. A Chinese-style bridge that crosses the fast running beck draws the visitors to see the sculptures, classical and modern, including a folly and tufa obelisk set amongst birch trees; a serpentine walk is nearby. There are colour-themed borders, a pleached lime walk and a circular lawn beside the lake.


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