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La Paz Cablecar

La Paz

La Paz is a bustling city full of local life, spread out in a canyon and overlooked by the Illimani mountain.

Potosi Cerro Rico


Potosí is a city defined by the tall mountain, Cerro Rico, that overlooks the city, totally criss-crossed by mines that produced vast amounts of silver for the Conquistadores, and now tells of the glory, wealth and tragedy of the colonial era.


Sucre & Tarabuco Market

The elegant city of Sucre is the perfect base to relax and explore the fascinating surrounding area, including the authentic and famous market at Tarabuco.

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz

Tropical Santa Cruz is a great place for cosmopolitan life, restaurants, leisure and to explore the nearby national parks and Jesuit Missions.


READY - 27 April 2024

LANDMARK TOURS: Multi-Country & Cross Continent. New Cosmopolitan Tour: Buenos Aires, Iguazu, Rio

PERU: History, Inca Culture, Mountains & Rainforest

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PRIVATE VILLAS: Quality Time in exclusive settings

TRAVEL INSURANCE with extensive COVID-19 cover